
"Междисциплинарные диалоги в ревматологии"
XX научно-практическая конференции ревматологов Южного федерального округа с международным участием 
"Междисциплинарные диалоги в ревматологии"
Приглашение на конференцию

Мозговая Е. Э.
ОСТЕОАРТРИТ. Учебное пособие.

Журнал экспериментальной, клинической и профилактической медицины

Заводовский Б.В., Королик О.Д., Квилидзе Т.З., Полякова Ю.В., Папичев Е.В., Сивордова Л.Е., Ахвердян Ю.Р. Роль тканевых цитокинов в патогенезе ревматических заболеваний

Журнал остеопороз и остеопатии

Александров В.А., Шилова Л.Н., Александров А.В. Ангиопоэтин-подобный белок 3 типа как маркер остеопоротических изменений в шейке бедра у женщин с ревматоидным артритом

Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders 

Shilova L., Aleksandrova N., Alekhina I., Aleksandrov A. Immune mechanisms of disorder in the work of the body’s antioxidant system in the pathogenesis of lung damage in systemic scleroderma

Mozgovaya E., Bedina S., Trofimenko A., Zborovskaya I., Mamus M., Tikhomirova E., Spitsina S. The interconnections between activities of the oxidative-related enzymes and disease activity in systemic sclerosis

Aleksandrov A., Shilova L., Aleksandrov V. Features of the debut of systemic scleroderma are able to determine the disease pattern

Aleksandrov V., Shilova L., Aleksandrova A., Zborovskaya I. Features of damage of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with systemic scleroderma

World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases: Abstract Book (Virtual congress, August 20-22, 2020)

Grekhoff R. Phenomenon of alexithymia and locus of control in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Polyakova Y., Sivordova L., Akhverdyan Y., Papichev E., Zavodovsky B. Tapentadol in an of complex pain syndrome in osteoporotic vertebral fractures

Korolik O., Polyakov V., Polyakova Y. Pathological fractures in women in menopause with type 2 diabetes at normal mineral density

Akhverdyan Y., Zavodovsky B., Polyakova J., Seewordova L., Papichev E., Lavrova D. Clinical significance of serum irisin concentration as a marker of osteoporotic fracture

Zavodovsky B., Korolik O., Akhverdyan Y., Polyakova J., Seewordova L., Papichev E. The relationship between the concentrations of markers of bone remodeling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis

Grekhoff R. Locus of control in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Aleksandrov A.V., Aleksandrova N.V., Aleksandrov V.A., Shilova L.N., Zborovskaya I.A. Using angiopoietin-like protein type 3 to assess the likelihood of osteoporotic femoral neck fractures in women with rheumatoid arthritis

Aleksandrov V.A., Aleksandrov A.V., Shilova L.N., Aleksandrova N.V. Diagnostic role of angiopoietin-like protein type 3 in assessing the activity of resorptive processes in bone tissue in women with rheumatoid arthritis

Sivordova L., Polyakova Y.U., Zavodovsky B., Akhverdyan Y.U., Papichev E. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the use of aceclofenac in patients with undifferentiated peripheral inflammatory arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis debut

Zavodovsky B., Sivordova L., Polyakova Y.U., Akhverdyan Y.U., Papichev E. Level of tissue cytokines as new diagnostic biomarker of bone metabolism disorders in rheumatoid arthritis

Polyakov V., Finageev S., Sivordova L., Akhverdyan Y., Papichev E., Polyakova J., Zavodovsky B. The role of the traumatologist in the work of secondary fracture prevention service

Papichev E.V., Zavodovsky B.V., Sivordova L.E., Akhverdyan Y.R., Polyakova Y.V. Bone turnover and serum levels of fetuin-a in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Bedina S.A., Mozgovaya E.E., Trofimenko A.S., Spitsina S.S., Mamus M.A., Tikhomirova E.A., Zborovskaya I.A. Relationships between rheumatoid arthritis activity and xanthine oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase, and superoxide dismutase plasma activities

Bedina S.A., Trofimenko A.S., Mozgovaya E.E., Mamus M.A., Tikhomirova E.A., Spitsina S.S. Xanthine oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase, and superoxide dismutase activities in rheumatoid arthritis with extra-articular manifestations: enzymatic profiling of blood plasma

Bedina S.A., Mamus M.A., Tikhomirova E.A., Trofimenko A.S., Mozgovaya E.E., Spitsina S.S. Spontaneous and induced neutrophil extracellular traps formation in rheumatoid arthritis patients

Mozgovaya E.E., Bedina S.A., Trofimenko A.S., Tikhomirova E.A., Mamus M.A., Spitsina S.S. Сhanges of хanthine oxidase and xanthine dehydrogenase activities after nsaids usage in rheumatoid arthritis

Mamus M.A., Tikhomirova E.A., Mozgovaya E.E., Trofimenko A.S., Bedina S.A., Spitsina S.S., Zborovskaya I.A. Monocyte extracellular traps in rheumatoid arthritis

Belova K.Y., Akhatov A.F., Gordzheladze K.G, Dudinskaya E.N., Morozova M.S., Polyakova Y.V.-1, Sivordova L.E.-1, Lesnyak O.M. development of the Russian national registry for the patients enrolled to fracture liaison services

Aleksandrova N.V., Aleksandrov A.V. Multicomponent program of medical rehabilitation of patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Spitsina S.S., Trofimenko A.S., Mozgovaya E.E., Bedina S.A., Shilova L.N., Mamus M.A., Tikhomirova E.A. Dyslipidemias in rheumatoid arthritis patients receiving basic treatment

Spitsina S.S., Shilova L.N., Trofimenko A.S., Mozgovaya E.E., Bedina S.A., Mamus M.A., Tikhomirova E.A. Dynamic changes of IL-10 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving combined treatment

Shilova L.N., Spitsina S.S., Trofimenko A.S., Mozgovaya E.E., Bedina S.A., Mamus M.A., Tikhomirova E.A. TNFα as prediction of efficacy of combined treatment in rheumatoid arthritis

Aleksandrov A.V., Aleksandrov V.A., Aleksandrova N.V. Angiopoietin-like proteins and antibodies to modified vimentin participate in various mechanisms of development of periarticular osteoporosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Lavrova D., Zavodovsky B., Akhverdyan Y., Polyakova Y., Seewordova L., Yakovlev A., Zagorodneva E., Vakhania K., Krajushkina N. Irisin determination for fractures forecasting in rheumatoid arthritis patients: results of 3 years follow-up

Papichev E.V., Zavodovsky B.V., Sivordova L.E., Akhverdyan Y.R., Polyakova Y.V. Association of serum fetuin-a levels and rheumatoid arthritis clinical and immunological features

Sivordova L.E., Polyakova Y.U., Akhverdyan Y.U., Papichev E., Zavodovsky B. Evaluation of the atorvastatin efficiency in the treatment of osteoporosis in rheumatoid arthritis

Aleksandrov A.V., Aleksandrova N.V., Shilova L.N., Aleksandrov V.A., Zborovskaya I.A. The expression of calcification of heart valves in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis according to echocardiography

Kapustina E.A., Aleksandrov A.V., Aleksandrov V.A. Psoriatic arthritis progression is associated with activation of angiopoietin-like protein type 3

Aleksandrova N.V., Aleksandrov V.A., Aleksandrov A.V. Influence of combined background therapy on ultrasound signs of synovial hypertrophy in joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis